

All published information set out herein is for general information purposes and is not intended to be a solicitation or advice relevant to the reader’s specific financial situation and suitability of the client’s investment. Technical information is for general information purposes only and not intended to serve as a full or comprehensive description and should not be relied upon. Any information provided here has been obtained from sources believed to be accurate but cannot be guaranteed. Any opinions expressed in this document are based on analysis of market events and circumstances as at the date of publication and are subject to change. Alta West Mortgage Capital Corporation (Alta West Capital) does not undertake to notify the reader of any subsequent changes.

The information contained herein is for general information purposes and is not intended to constitute tax advice. Alta West Capital does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein and does not undertake to notify the reader of any changes to tax regulation or the application of tax regulation since the date of publication.

Diversification in your portfolio is important. Please note Alta West Capital has no ability or expertise to provide meaningful overall portfolio analysis of all your separate investment classes to diversify your individual portfolio. Alta West Capital is a captive exempt market dealer as it only sells investment products that are connected to Alta West Capital and is therefore only able to provide recommendations on its own funds and cannot offer the investor alternative options or opinions on other investments. Alta West Capital is also a “connected issuer” to the Alta West Capital managed funds; AWM Diversified MIC, First Place MIC, AWC Strategic Income Fund Ltd. (SIF), and AWM Opportunity Fund LP (Opportunity Fund) as defined in National Instrument 33-105 Underwriting Conflict, because of common ownership and management between Alta West Capital, the MICs, SIF, and Opportunity Fund.

Alta West Capital is registered as an Exempt Market Dealer (“EMD”), Restricted Portfolio Manager (“RPM”) and Investment Fund Manager (“IFM”) in the province of Alberta. The firm is also registered in the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Yukon as an EMD. This information is directed only to residents of those provinces. For more information, contact Investor Relations at (403) 254-9075 ext. 4218 or by email at investor.relations@awcapital.ca.

Alta West Capital holds a mortgage broker license in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. FSCO Brokerage License 12633, FSCO Mortgage Admin License 12634.

AWM Diversified MIC Brochure

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Actual performance will vary. There is no assurance AWM Diversified MIC will achieve its objectives or be able to pay dividends consistent with historical payments. As such, dividends are subject to all the risks of AWM Diversified MICʼs operations and industry and investments generally, including the ability of borrowers to make applicable payments under mortgages comprising AWM Diversified MICʼs portfolio, real estate values, interest rates, unexpected costs, competition, the economy generally, and other factors beyond the control of AWM Diversified MIC. There is liquidity risk as shares of AWM Diversified MIC are not publicly traded and you may be unable to sell or redeem them in a timely manner, or at all. The information contained in this brochure is qualified by, and subject to, the more detailed information contained in the Fund Information Document for AWM Diversified MIC, which is available to all investors. For a detailed list of risk factors related to an investment in shares of AWM Diversified MIC, all investors are encouraged to read the Fund Information Document and consult with their investment, legal, accounting, and tax advisors.

The information contained herein is current to the date indicated on this brochure. Neither Alta West Capital nor AWM Diversified MIC assumes any obligation to update or revise this document to reflect new events or circumstances other than as may be required by applicable laws.

COVID impact: The corporation has experienced minimal adverse effects, however the effects on employment, global economic activity, and the real estate market could still have an effect. No assurances can be made regarding such matters nor is there an effect on real estate markets generally and on the value and performance of mortgage loans. If there was a significant change in the values or payment performance in the portfolio, there could be added liquidity risk on your investment.

First Place MIC Brochure

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Actual performance will vary. There is no assurance First Place MIC will achieve its objectives or be able to pay dividends consistent with historical payments. As such, dividends are subject to all the risks of First Place MIC’s operations and industry and investments generally, including the ability of borrowers to make applicable payments under mortgages comprising First Place MIC’s portfolio, real estate values, interest rates, unexpected costs, competition, the economy generally, and other factors beyond the control of First Place MIC. There is liquidity risk as shares of First Place MIC are not publicly traded and you may be unable to sell or redeem them in a timely manner, or at all. For a detailed list of risk factors related to an investment in shares of First Place MIC, see Item 9 of its current Offering Memorandum and Alta West Capital Relationship Disclosure Document.

The information contained herein is current to the date indicated on this brochure. Neither Alta West Capital nor First Place MIC assumes any obligation to update or revise this document to reflect new events or circumstances other than as may be required by applicable laws. Important information regarding First Place MIC is set out in its Offering Memorandum which should be reviewed prior to investment. Please contact us for a copy of this document.

COVID impact: The corporation has experienced minimal adverse effects, however the effects on employment, global economic activity, and the real estate market could still have an effect. No assurances can be made regarding such matters nor is there an effect on real estate markets generally and on the value and performance of mortgage loans. If there was a significant change in the values or payment performance in the portfolio, there could be added liquidity risk on your investment.

AWC Strategic Income Fund Ltd. (SIF) Brochure

The rates indicated in this document are not guaranteed and are based on assumptions regarding the mortgage rates, timeliness of receipts, loan losses and expenses with respect to the underlying pool of mortgages that back the debentures. Important information regarding debentures issued by SIF are set out in the Debenture Agreement, which should be reviewed carefully prior to investment. Diversification in your portfolio is important. Please note Alta West Capital has no ability or expertise to provide meaningful overall portfolio analysis of all your separate investment classes in order to diversify your individual portfolio. Alta West Capital is a “connected issuer” to the SIF as defined in National Instrument 33 -105 Underwriting Conflict, because of common ownership and management between Alta West Capital and SIF.

Alta West Capital is registered as an Exempt Market Dealer (“EMD”), Restricted Portfolio Manager (“RPM”) and Investment Fund Manager (“IFM”) in the province of Alberta. The firm is also registered in the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Yukon as an EMD. This information is directed only to residents of those provinces. For more information, contact Investor Relations at (403) 254-9075 ext. 4218 or by email at investor.relations@awcapital.ca.